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更新时间:2024-04-25 14:48:49

The lower East Side is neither rich nor beautiful,but it can be a good place to shop.

On Sundays,its streets are crowded with visitors and shoppers like these.They are trying to find a coat or a pair of shoes at a good price.

Most people prefer to shop in the big department stores like Macy's,Gimbel's,or Bloomingdale's because there they can find clothing,furniture,toys,and food in one store.

Some people like the smaller stores of Greenwich Village or other areas when they are looking for an unusual present.

Some streets have only one kind of stores.Bracelets and rings shine in the windows of Canal Street,and wedding dresses fill the stores of Grant Street.There are streets for furs,and,in one area,there are 600shops for antiques!

Fifth Avenue is the most famous place to shop,and it is usually the most expensive.There you can find the latest styles from Paris,Italy,or New York.You can spend thousands of dollars on Fifth Avenue,or you can just windowshop and admire the sights for free.

46.How many kinds of shops or stores on the lower East Side are mentioned in the passage?___


47.If you want to buy something fashionable to wear,you'd better go to___.

A.Grant Street

B.the big department stores

C.Fifth Avenue

D.the smaller stores of Greenwich Village

48.Why does the writer say that the lower East Side can be a good place to shop?___

A.Because its streets are crowded with visitors.

B.Because there are latest style from Paris,Italy,or New York.

C.Because there are different goods in different stores they can meet the needs of the visitors and shoppers.

D.Because women want very much to go there and buy bracelets and rings.

49.The underlined wordswindow shop in the sentence means"___".

A.put all one's goods in the shop-window

B.look at goods displayed

  46~50ACCBA   46.A细节判断题.根据第三段MostpeopleprefertoshopinthebigdepartmentstoreslikeMacy's,Gimbel's,orBloomingdale's可知大多数人喜欢在大百货公司如梅西百货,金贝尔,或布鲁明戴尔;根据第四段SomepeoplelikethesmallerstoresofGreenwichVillage可知一些人喜欢较小的商店,格林威治村.由此可知,文中提到了4个商店.故选A.   47.C细节理解题.根据第三段ThereyoucanfindthelateststylesfromParis,Italy,orNewYork.可知在FifthAvenue可以买到时髦的衣服穿.故选C.   48.C推理判断题.通读全文可知,下东区并不富有也不美丽,但它是个购物的好地方.因为在那里,不同的商店有不同的商品,它们可以满足游客和购物者的需求.故选C.   49.B猜测词义题.根据下句的admirethesightsforfree.免费欣赏景点,可知"windowshop"的意思是:看着商店橱窗中展出商品.故选B.   50.A猜测词义题."admirethesightsforfree"中的forfree译为:"免费的".结合全文内容可知,该句的意思是:不费代价的从景点中获得乐趣.故选A.
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